Draw the Cooling Curve for a Six Pack of Beer

Chilled Beverage Calculator

Created by Álvaro Díez , Tibor Pal , PhD candidate and Dominik Czernia , PhD candidate

Reviewed past

Bogna Szyk and Jack Bowater

Terminal updated:

Apr 06, 2022

Table of contents:
  • The optimal temperature for chilled drinks
  • The physics of chilling
  • How to use the chilled potable calculator?
  • The history of cooling techniques
  • Beverage cooling hacks
  • Additional remarks
  • References
  • FAQ

Imagine, it's a hot summer mean solar day. Yous've been enjoying yourself outside for near an hour now, but you're getting a little thirsty. Y'all want to refresh yourself. Every bit sweat runs down your forehead, you open up your favorite beverage and put the tin can to your lips, waiting for your thirst to be quenched. What then, could be worse than having your expectation ruined past a lukewarm drinkable? You can put your opened tin can into the fridge or freezer, merely volition this repair the damage to your psyche? More importantly, how long should you have chilled your drink beforehand for it to take reached its optimal temperature?

To resolve this compelling problem, we've designed this chilled drink reckoner for you. No need to keep hurrying to the freezer to cheque your drinkable, science will give you the proper answer.

In the following article, you can find out well-nigh the ideal serving temperature of different beverages and how our ancestors cooled their drinks in the past - this isn't a new problem. We even provide a few tricks to speed upwards the chilling process, even if y'all don't take a refrigerator around.

We also made a video nearly the best potable cooling hacks! Watch information technology here:

The optimal temperature for chilled drinks

First and foremost, we should try to find out what the platonic drinking temperature is for the beverages in question. Yeah, aye, we know that when the sunday is blazing exterior well-nigh of yous like to parch your thirst with an ice-cold drink. Scientists, however, discovered that drink intake on unlike temperatures could fulfill different purposes at the near. For example, experiments take shown that on a hot, dry day, drinking a hot potable may absurd your body meliorate than a cold drinkable. But when your ultimate goal is to quench thirst equally fast as possible, as a contempo study shows, cold and carbonated beverages might be your all-time choice. This finding coincides with other surveys which prove that the sensation in the mouth plays a crucial part in satiating thirst.

In this article, still, we rely prominently on the historically evolved serving habits, that reflects the specific qualities of different drinks. Due to their diverse chemical structures, the temperature at which you will enjoy your drink the most will differ from beverage to potable.

infographic of ideal temperatures of beverages
  • Wines

There is probably no other type of drink where the right temperature is so crucial. As a full general dominion, it's all-time to serve white and rosé wines at a cold temperature, around 49-55°F (9-xiii°C). This causes the wines acerbity to get more pronounced, and the wine will exist fresher with a lighter taste. When information technology is too warm, the alcohol becomes dominant, leading to a harsh taste. However, do non over-arctic - the vino may lose its flavour entirely. White wines that contain high residual saccharide, such as ice wines or Tokaji Aszú wines, are best served at 50-53°F (10-12°C).

On the other mitt, ruddy wines are best served at room temperature. But before nosotros proceed, permit's answer the question "What is room temperature?" It's not, every bit you might think, the climate in nigh of the modernistic flats. The expression dates dorsum to medieval Europe where information technology was much more difficult to control the temperature of a house. As a result, our ancestors had to bear a lower indoor temperature, effectually 60°F to 65°F (xv°C to 18°C). It is, incidentally, this temperature that best shows the fragrance of red wines, while besides showing off the grape'due south counterbalanced gustatory modality and fruitiness.

Sparkling wines and Champagne are the drinks that you lot demand to continue in the refrigerator the longest if you want to bask them the most. Their optimal drinking temperature is 47-50°F (8-10°C), with sugariness aromatic sparkling wines requiring a temperature every bit low as 46°F (seven°C).

  • Beers

If you lot envisage a canteen of beer on a hot summer mean solar day, you may acquaintance it with super absurd refreshment. However, depending on the type of beer and its qualities, the precise serving temperature may differ widely. As a basic rule, no beer should be served below 42°F (6°C) as ice-common cold temperature dampens its flavor. Though you might bask a lager at the everyman temperature (anywhere from 42°F to 48°F (6-9°C)), it is better to imbibe an ale that is somewhat warmer, around 44-52°F (7-11°C). If you prefer stout, you know that cellar temperature is the all-time choice, that being around 55°F (thirteen°C).

  • Soft drinks

The situation is far less complicated with your favorite soda or carbonated drinkable: you will experience its full flavor at whatsoever temperature. All the same, Pepsi and Coca-Cola recommend that their respective products be drunk at slightly unlike temperatures: according to their representatives, the one-time is best at 42°F (v.5°C), while the latter should exist drank at 38°F (three.3°C). We can probably say that carbonated beverages are best enjoyed at around 40°F (iv-5°C).

  • Water

The jury is nevertheless out when it comes to water: your trunk can benefit from different temperatures depending on your taste and circumstances. Since the ultimate purpose of h2o intake is the quest for hydration, in this particular instance, nosotros considered the issue that fulfills the most this office. Accordingly, studies advise that yous tin can achieve the optimum level of hydration if you ingest your water at effectually 61°F (16°C). All the same, as we take mentioned, other studies imply that cold and carbonated h2o is a meliorate option when you aim to quench your thirst.

  • Juices

Indeed, juices are best served cold. Still, it is ameliorate not to absurd them to below 54°F (12°C), as they may lose their sweetness fruity gustation. The perfect temperature for juices is between 54°F and 59°F (12-15°C).

  • Liquors

Although some spirits, such as brandy or whiskey, are best experienced near room temperature, detail types are traditionally consumed cold. As yous may have guessed, these are vodka and gin. When you chill them, they get little viscous, helping mask some of their alcoholic harshnesses. Besides, cream liqueurs should be kept in the fridge as the cold can balance the high sugar content they commonly accept. Nonetheless, you better non to store good quality vodka or gin in the freezer or you will lose all of information technology flavour. The best temperature to serve them is 32-39°F (0-4°C).

The physics of chilling

Despite appearances, this computer doesn't run on magic. Instead, it makes utilize of a much more powerful resource: physics! This calculator is an easy-to-utilize version of our own Newton'south police force of cooling estimator that has been modified to include technical values for the virtually common combinations of containers and beverages.

Newton's police force of cooling:

T = T_ambient + (T_initial - T_ambient) * exp(- one thousand * t),

which, solving for time (t), nosotros transform into:

t = -log[(T - T_ambient)/(T_initial-T_ambient)]/one thousand,


  • T [K]: temperature of the object at fourth dimension t,
  • T_ambient [K]: ambient temperature,
  • T_initial [K]: initial temperature of the object,
  • t [s]: fourth dimension spent cooling,
  • k [one/due south]: cooling coefficient,

The cooling coefficient is equal to:

thousand = h * A / C,


  • k [1/s]: cooling coefficient,
  • h [Due west/(m² * Thou)]: estrus transfer coefficient,
  • A [thousand²]: area of the oestrus exchange,
  • C [J/K]: heat capacity.

As is the case with most forms of practical physics, several approximations were made, but nosotros are confident the results should work fairly accurately in the Real World™ (and not only in a vacuum with spherical containers).

How to use the chilled drink calculator?

As we mentioned, the chilled drink computer aims to work out the time a beverage requires in the fridge (or another absurd place) to accomplish its optimal drinking temperature. Withal, with the aim of providing a more comprehensive service, nosotros designed the platform in such a way that you tin can choose other pre-defined temperatures, or even set the desired temperature yourself!

ane. What practise you want to arctic?

To brainstorm the calculation, yous demand to specify 1 of the beverages discussed in the previous department.

two. Bottle/Container

You will need need to specify the size of the bottle (i.e., its volume) equally this likewise affects the cooling process.

3. Where was the potable?

The side by side important factor is the initial temperature of your beverage. You may choose between iii default weather, or you can set it yourself.

4. Where did you put the beverage?

Here you should select the place where you would like to arctic your drink. Proceed in mind that the temperature of this spot should be colder than both the initial and the optimal temperature of your beverage.

v. Desired temperature

By default, the desired temperature is the drinkable's optimal temperature, as defined in the previous department. This is just a default however, can still customize the desired temperature to fit your refreshment needs!

After setting the above specifications, you volition immediately get the time your drink requires to reach its desired temperature. We take designed a dynamic chart for y'all besides, so yous tin run across how the temperature of your drink changes over time. This is useful if yous're too impatient to wait for your drink to cool full and want to quickly check what the temperature of your drink afterwards a specific time is.

The history of cooling techniques

Even though the mechanical fridge is a relatively new invention, the history of cooling beverages does not begin there. Ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks, Romans, and Chinese, cutting and stored water ice that would then be added to their refreshments. In other places, where water ice was in short supply, people kept water in porous clay vessels that functioned as natural evaporative coolers.

historical cooling deviced
Source: ecoinventos.com; Peavitt, Helen - Refrigerator - The Story of Cool in the Kitchen (2017) Reaktion Books

Surprisingly, the chief instrument for refrigeration remained natural water ice until recently, just its usage was mostly express to the elite of societies. It was only the eighteenth century that icy drinks became affordable to the full general public. The real need, all the same, appeared only in the middle nineteenth century.

kids around ice
Source: Peavitt, Helen - Fridge - The Story of Cool in the Kitchen (2017) Reaktion Books

It was effectually this time that an American man of affairs, Frederic "Ice King" Tudor, appeared. Already an influential ice-harvesting figure, Tudor decided to launch a global calibration venture to promote his expanding water ice sales. This was how America became more and more fascinated with chilled drinks, and, at the cease of the nineteenth century, people in almost American cities used iced drinks as their chief means of refreshment. Natural ice, all the same, requires a sophisticated supply line, which made information technology relatively expensive. This toll drove the development of the mechanical refrigerations that emerged in the eye of the nineteen century. The fact that i of the outset modern refrigerators was advertised every bit cooling a bottle of champagne in ten minutes illustrates the strong man desire for chilled drinks.

old vs modern refrigerators
Source: Rees, Jonathan - Refrigeration Nation - A History of Water ice, Appliances, and Enterprise in America (2014) Johns Hopkins Academy Press

Mechanical refrigerators were initially huge and only actually saw use in industry. Home refrigerators tended to be unproblematic ice boxes with limited space and effectiveness. In the 1920s, thanks to accelerated technological advancements, mechanical fridges became smaller and more affordable, leading to refrigerate becoming mutual place and easily attainable to most households.

antique and new fridges
Source: Peavitt, Helen - Refrigerator - The Story of Cool in the Kitchen (2017) Reaktion Books

Beverage cooling hacks

If you are in a rush to chill your beverage, or there are many drinks to deal with, you tin can utilise some of these tricks to advance the cooling process:

  • Moisture newspaper around the bottle

You can combine multiple types of techniques to speed upwardly the procedure. One option might be to wrap the bottle with a moisture paper towel earlier placing information technology in the refrigerator or freezer. The low temperature of the fridge leads to an accelerated evaporation procedure, significant that the water in the paper towel removes free energy from the bottle even quicker, creating an extra libation.

  • Salty-ice-h2o bath

If at that place is no room in your refrigerator, but you take some ice cubes on hand, you can create your own fridge by filling a large bowl or basin with ice, water and salt (around a cup for iii pounds or i.3 kg of water ice). Dissolved common salt reduces the freezing point of water, so the water molecules transform into ice crystals at a lower temperature. This way, more than ice cubes turn to liquid, and this land transformation causes the bottles to reach a lower temperature than otherwise.

  • Dry out ice

An excellent alternative to ice made of water is dry ice. Dry water ice is solid carbon dioxide (CO₂) which means it doesn't cook into a liquid, but instead transforms into a gas.

  • Insulate your drinks

Hot summer days frequently cause your chilled drink to warm up rapidly. To avoid (or at to the lowest degree slow down) this process, y'all can encompass the bottle with a material that insulates information technology from the outside temperature. You accept a lot of options when it comes to insulators, something fabricated of foam or fifty-fifty a facecloth or newspaper will do the play a trick on. Another option is to pour your drink in an insulated container (where you can also drop some water ice-cubes!)

  • Wet textile with no fridge

If you lot are somewhere out and about and don't take access to a cooling facility, y'all still absurd downward your drink with this handy tip. You demand to accept a textile, preferably cotton fiber, wet information technology, then cover your container with it. The evaporation mechanism we mentioned higher up will occur, cooling your drink afterward some time.

  • Find a naturally cold identify

Other option when you are in the field is to notice a spot that is cooler than the air. Potential candidates include rivers, lakes, brooks or any water that is in a fleck of shade.

  • Defining the optimal temperature

The optimal temperature for a particular drink may be different to that set out in this reckoner, due to local customs, personal preference, or the drink'southward specific qualities. For brevities sake, we focused solely on the well-nigh popular beverages and their typical temperatures. If you lot would like to know what lead united states to these numbers, delight bank check the reference documents below where yous can observe more detailed data.

  • Computational precision

The interpretation this reckoner performs should only be taken equally an estimate guide; it accuracy may exist afflicted by imperfect input values and by external circumstances not incorporated in the computation process. For instance, the number of bottles may affect the chapters of the refrigerator or a slight departure in the density or alcohol content of a drink may impact the chilling process.

  • Responsible alcohol consumption

For whatever alcoholic beverages, always drinkable responsibly and think to stay hydrated, especially when the weather is hot and you are in the sunday. Although regular beers have a relatively low alcohol content and are more often than not consumed in higher quantities than say, vodka, they notwithstanding dehydrate your torso. Accordingly, always call up to beverage enough h2o or non-alcoholic beverages.


  • Peavitt, Helen - Refrigerator - The Story of Absurd in the Kitchen (2017) Reaktion Books

  • Rees, Jonathan - Refrigeration Nation - A History of Water ice, Appliances, and Enterprise in America (2014) Johns Hopkins University Printing

  • International Bottled Water Association

  • Evaporation Estrus Transfer

  • New Agreement of Thirst Emerges from Brain Report

  • Oral Cooling and Carbonation Increase the Perception of Drinking and Thirst Quenching in Thirsty Adults

  • Perfect Drinking Temperature for Vino

  • The Consequence of H2o Temperature and Voluntary Drinking on the Postal service Rehydration Sweating

  • The Perfect Serving Temperatures for Your Favorite Drinks

  • Thirst neurons anticipate the homeostatic consequences of eating and drinking

  • Water Temperature, Voluntary Drinking and Fluid Balance in Dehydrated Taekwondo Athletes

  • Vino Serving Temperature


How can I arctic canned drinks fast?

Canned drinks tin can exist chilled apace by placing them in the freezer. While this is the obvious choice, if you think you lot have even less fourth dimension, then you can utilize some hacks:

  • Put the drink in a bowl of ice water, sprinkled with salt.
  • Wrap the drink in a wet newspaper towel and then place it in the freezer. The water in the paper towel turns to ice quicker, hence cooling the can faster.

How do I arctic a juice box quickly for schoolhouse?

Your best choice to chill a juice box rapidly would exist to place it in the freezer. You can do this at the get-go of the twenty-four hours, before getting ready for school. To brand sure your potable remains absurd until you drink it, insulate it using some old newspaper. It will ensure temperature maintenance for a more extended time.

How long will it take to chill a bottle of red wine?

Optimistically speaking, 2 minutes in the freezer will chill a canteen of cherry-red vino. If y'all have a regular glass bottle of ruby wine, you desire to drink information technology at its optimum serving temperature, 16°C/ 61°F, but you have to consider the wine'south temperature earlier you put information technology in the freezer. If it were at room temperature (fifteen°C - 18°C), 2 minutes is plenty.

What is the ideal serving temperature of carbonated drinks?

There is no uncertainty that your favorite soft drink tastes its best at a cooler temperature. All the same, y'all tin enjoy its full season at whatever temperature. Even though all of you take your temperature preferences, the beverage makers have suggestions of their own.
Pepsi recommends enjoying its respective products at 42°F (5.5°C), while Coca-Cola suggests 38°F (3.3°C)

Álvaro Díez, Tibor Pal , PhD candidate and Dominik Czernia , PhD candidate

What practice you want to cool?

Medium plastic bottle (16.ix oz / 0.5L)

Hot summer 24-hour interval (30°C / 86F)

Where did you put the drink?

It volition accept approximately...

1 hour and 17 minutes

If yous want your absurd drink now, nosotros have bad news... But if you're yet in the planning phase, this is great; you lot will exist able to serve y'all favorite drinks at its optimal temperature! 🎉

We made a video about the best drink cooling hacks! Watch it hither:

Science of cooling drinks

BBQ grill size BBQ party Beer pong … 11 more


Source: https://www.omnicalculator.com/food/chilled-drink

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