Breast Feeding Pain From the Arm Pit

Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding – There are some mothers who experience sharp breast pain breastfeeding. The pain varies from mild to severe depending on the individual. Pain may be felt during the first minute of breastfeeding but should disappear after a while. If breastfeeding mothers continue experiencing pain throughout the feeding process, they should take a break, then adjust the baby's position on the breast [1].

Thrush or yeast infections can also cause sharp breast pain breastfeeding. If your baby is infected with thrush while breastfeeding, the infection can transfer to the mother's nipples and breasts. The sharp pain can start from the nipple to the breast all the way to the back ranging from pins and needles to like razor blades embedded in the breast. At times, the arm may be in pain as well[2].

Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Is Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding Considered Normal
Treatment For Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Sharp Needle Like Pain In Breast Breastfeeding
Pain In Left Breast While Breastfeeding
One Side Sharp Pain While Breastfeeding
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Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Is Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding Considered Normal?

Most breastfeeding mothers experience breast pain during the first few days after giving birth, but it does not last long.

Women need time to become accustomed to the new task of feeding their babies breast milk.

Some state sharp breast pain when breastfeeding is normal during the first few days, but according to Sandra Yates, lactation consultant from Vancouver, this should not happen at all.

A lactation consultant can show you how to breastfeed your baby properly after giving birth so there will be less discomfort on your part.

If the pain does not go away after adjusting your baby's position on your breast, it might be a good idea to have an expert determine if there are other causes.

Learn how to breastfeed your baby properly without discomfort

Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Is Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding Considered Normal
Treatment For Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Sharp Needle Like Pain In Breast Breastfeeding
Pain In Left Breast While Breastfeeding
One Side Sharp Pain While Breastfeeding

Treatment For Sharp Breast Pain BreastfeedingTreatment For Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding

If there is pain, a latch problem is the most likely cause of discomfort that mothers feel. Typical symptoms include nipple pain, discomfort and pain during breastfeeding, plus the nipples may look sculpted or squashed after feeding.

Correct this problem with the following steps:

  1. Tuck your baby close to you using your elbow and allow their head to fall back a bit. Make sure that you are supporting your baby's weight with your hand positioned on their shoulder blades.
  2. Hold the breast with your thumb placed near your nipple so that it will be pushed upwards a bit. Now line your baby's nose on your nipple so that the baby's mouth will be aligned with the underside of the breast.
  3. Pull your baby close while yawning with the tongue at the bottom of the breast so that the nipple will be protected deeper inside the baby's mouth[3].

Breastfeeding Pain

Another possible cause of pain during breastfeeding is breast engorgement where the breast feels quite full. Once considered normal, it is not nowadays. If your breast is swollen because milk is still present, feed your baby more or express the milk by hand. You do not have to empty your breast of milk but rather ease the pain on your breast[4].

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Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Is Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding Considered Normal
Treatment For Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Sharp Needle Like Pain In Breast Breastfeeding
Pain In Left Breast While Breastfeeding
One Side Sharp Pain While Breastfeeding

Sharp, Needle Like Pain in Breast BreastfeedingSharp, Needle Like Pain In Breast Breastfeeding

Sharp needle pain in the breast during breastfeeding may be due to a vasospasm which occurs when there is a constriction or narrowing of blood vessels in the breast.

This can be triggered when your baby's latch is shallow.

The symptoms associated with vasospasm include painful nipples, white nipples, sore nipples and deep breast pain.

The symptoms can be alleviated by correcting the latch, breastfeeding in a warm room or giving your breast a gentle massage[5].

Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Is Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding Considered Normal
Treatment For Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Sharp Needle Like Pain In Breast Breastfeeding
Pain In Left Breast While Breastfeeding
One Side Sharp Pain While Breastfeeding
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Pain In Left Breast While BreastfeedingPain In Left Breast While Breastfeeding

The sharp pain in left breast while breastfeeding may occur due to blocked ducts which can lead to mastitis.

This can be accompanied by symptoms that are similar to the flu such as chills and aches.

If you are experiencing engorged breasts, position your baby's mouth close to where the pain is emanating to help reduce the sharp pain in left breast while breastfeeding[6].

The sharp pain in left breast while breastfeeding is possible on the right breast as well.

Plugged ducts can occur on either side.

Draining the breast by feeding your baby regularly may help ease the sharp needle-like pain in breast breastfeeding for either breast.

Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Is Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding Considered Normal
Treatment For Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Sharp Needle Like Pain In Breast Breastfeeding
Pain In Left Breast While Breastfeeding
One Side Sharp Pain While Breastfeeding

One Side Sharp Pain While BreastfeedingOne Side Sharp Pain While Breastfeeding

Sharp needle like pain in breast breastfeeding can happen to more on one breast especially when dealing with a "caked breast" which happens when there is a plugged duct.

If the condition is only affecting one breast, it is easier to treat.

The sharp needle-like pain in breast breastfeeding can worsen with fever and chills.

Mastitis can occur because of infections caused by various bacteria including Staph.

If both breasts are affected, the swelling may be caused by strep bacteria.

The plugged ducts may disappear after a few days if treated immediately.

If treatment is suspended, this can lead to further infection and more problems in the long run.

Fortunately, the sharp needle-like pain in breast breastfeeding can be alleviated with the following remedies.

Use a heating pad

Set a heating pad at a low setting between feedings to ease the discomfort and help eliminate the clog that is blocking the breast ducts.

Increase fluid

If you are running a fever, drinking more fluids can help reduce it while keeping you hydrated.
Express by hand. Before feeding, express some milk by hand to help ease the discomfort. This way, your breast will be less tender during and after breastfeeding.

Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Is Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding Considered Normal
Treatment For Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding
Sharp Needle Like Pain In Breast Breastfeeding
Pain In Left Breast While Breastfeeding
One Side Sharp Pain While Breastfeeding

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Sharp Breast Pain Breastfeeding Resources;
[1]   Kids Health; Breastfeeding FAQ's: Pain and Discomfort, Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD, February 2015.
[2]   ResearchGate; Breastfeeding review: professional publication of the Australian Breastfeeding Association 10(1):15-8, Breastfeeding and Staphylococcus aureus: three case reports, Lisa Amir, 2002.
[3]   PennState; Painful nipples in nursing mothers: Fungal or staphylococcal?, Stephen Graves, Wendy Wright, Ruth Harman, Susan Bailey, July 2003.
[4]   NHS; Breast pain and breastfeeding, January 29, 2016.
[5]   Raynaud's Association; Help for Pregnant & Breastfeeding Moms, February 08, 2011.
[6]   U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Women's Health; Common breastfeeding challenges.


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